DIY Smart Filament Dryer
You find this design on my Cults Page
This guide will allow you to create your own 3D printed filament dryer with WiFi connectivity.
- Microcontroller: D1 Mini
- Sensor for temperature and humidity: DHT11
- x2 Relay
- x2 Buttons and x2 10Kohm resistors
- Step Down: LM2596S
- 5V Fan
- TFT Display
- Bearings 12x8x3.5mm
- Heater: I used a classic 3D printer heater block with 24V heater (powered with 12V! Don't power it to maximum voltage, you would reach too high and dangerous temperatures!).
in this case you can use the component you prefer, such as a Peltier cell - 12V DC power supply
CODE (Arduino Sketch)
Here you can download the Arduino Sketch Code: DryerBox.ino.
If you haven't already -> Arduino Software Download.
If you haven't already, these libraries require a download from Libraries Manager on Arduino IDE:
This code can be modified as you want. This original version is almost ready to work on your D1 Mini. You have to do only 3 changes:
At these lines (152-153) set your WiFi Credentials.
At line 125 set your Blynk App auth token. To get this token, you must download Blynk App for your smartphone. Then, start a new template to get an email with the auth token. Click here to know more about Blynk.
After these 3 changes, your code is ready for the upload. Connect your D1 mini (you have to add the board libraries in Arduino Sketch), select the correct COM port and start the upload. After that, your dryer is ready to work.
What you have to do with the Blynk App, is to create some Widgets and connect them to Virtual Pin where data are send and received. You can find all Virtual pin inside the code, but for semplicity, you can find the mapping in the following images. The final widgets can be organized as you want to have your custom graphic.
The dryer can work manually by setting the target temperature or with AUTO function: in this case the temperature is mantained at 30° unless the humidity is lower than 50%. You can obviously change this values in the code.
If you build this project you assume all responsibility. I do not assume any responsibility in case of damage to objects or people.