Robot Mower
I started this project following the guide you find at where you can purchase your STLs and also electronic component. This image is of the new version of 220 model. I printed the old version. If you visit the website you'll find all models with detailed guide to build your own robot.
My printing settings:
- 20% infill
- 3 wall
- 3 top and bottom layers
- 0,4 mm nozzle for all parts, and 0,6 mm nozzle for rear wheels
I suggest to print all this parts with PETG instead of PLA.
I used a special material instead of alluminum for wheels pins. Here you can find materials that I used:
Components in my lawnmower:
(You can also buy these components and follow the complete guide on repalmakershop), or something you can find on Amazon.
-Arduino Mega. Quantity: 1
-l298n driver for wheels motors and perimeter wire station. Quantity: 2
-BTS7960 driver for blade motor. Quantity: 1
-12V 30 rpm motor (for wheels). Quantity: 2
-12V 3000 rpm motor (for blades). Quantity: 1
-Sonar sensors HC-SR04. Quantity: 3
-Step down. Quantity: 2
-Kit of blades. Quantity: 1 kit, or at least 3 blades.
-Arduino (UNO or Nano) for wire station. Quantity: 1
-Current sensor. 5A is enough, but i'm using 20A version. Quantity: 2
-Voltage sensor. Quantity: 1
-BMS. Quantity: 1
-Batteries: Quantity: 2x6pcs
-Charger(12.6V-2A): Quantity: 1
-Charge indicator(3s): Quantity: 1
-Display LCD: Quantity: 1
-Switch: Quantity: 1
I'm also using a Noctua fan (40mm) for cooling the motors driver.
The links are only indicative, you can buy the same components where you want, the important thing is that they have the same specifications.
This list could change when I'll make upgrade to my lawnmower.
Check my Amazon Showcase!