Smart Plugs (Alexa compatible)


In this section you find some details on how I built my own smart plug working with Alexa. Components I used:

-D1 mini esp8266 dev board (works with .ino files coded on Arduino IDE) (buy on

-Relay module (buy on or d1 mini relay shield (buy on

-Electric socket (230V-10/16A) 

-Power supply for D1 mini (buy on

-I'm using a 3D printed cover to put all together. I didn't share it beacuse the dimensions are strongly linked to the components you are going to use. Therefore I advise you to design your own body



You can download the file.ino from this link. Upload this code on your D1 mini, then open Alexa app and search from new devices (in this case you have to search for new lamps) Click on '+' button -> Add new device -> lamps -> others -> search new devices. After few seconds Alexa will find the device defined in the code. 

You can use the same d1 mini to build a multiple smart plugs: in this case you need more relay modules (and more electric sockets 230V) and the code must be modified to define the new devices.

Be very careful when working with these voltages (220 / 230V)! This project is for demonstration purposes only. I take no responsibility for any damage to people or things.

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